Craig Rosenblatt

"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know" Pema Chodron

We are never alone.  Guardian angels, spirit guides and your higher self are always with you to guide you.  I excel at getting messages across from "the other  side".  I use Oracle Guidance cards and pendulums as my tools, and I can hear, see, feel, know, and smell messages being sent when channeling.  Reiki uses universal energy as therapy, while AromaTouch uses essential oils applied to your skin with a light touch to balance and promote wellness within your body and mind.                  ...

We are never alone.  Guardian angels, spirit guides and your higher self are always with you to guide you.  I excel at getting messages across from "the other  side".  I use Oracle Guidance cards and pendulums as my tools, and I can hear, see, feel, know, and smell messages being sent when channeling.  Reiki uses universal energy as therapy, while AromaTouch uses essential oils applied to your skin with a light touch to balance and promote wellness within your body and mind.                                                            

Book a massage with me today

My Services
Aromatouch Technique

# Dr. David K. Hill, doTERRA


Spiritual Consultant/Medium, Channelling, Reiki, AromaTouch Technique, Aroma Therapy

I have been spiritually gifted since I was a child, and my life completely changed the day I died in 2003. I was brought back to help others with my abilities, and have clients nationally and internationally. Energy is in everything, and focusing positive energy can help support your bodies natural abilities to work properly. Stress is a very negative energy, and minimizing that as much as possible can help your mind and body in many ways. Raising your energy level is my goal.