Receive a very uplifting reading past, present, future or a message from your loved one that has passed. Kirsten will help you see clarity or closure and help you with guidance. This is a one person reading not a group reading.
MI # 2705002958
MI # 2703071179
I have been a Reiki Master for 10 years. Crysatl reiki for 9 years, i work alot with crystals as they help to heal. Karuna Reiki for 3 years. Also a teacher and educator.
One of my favorite Energy Healing to do is Karuna Reiki. With Karuna it deal with emotions and past life issues. It is an amazing treatment for everyone.
I love to do Access Bar Theraphy which i have been certified for 3 years. it helps defragment the brain. Great for stress and to clear your mind.
I have been a makeup artist for 20 years. I specialize in Airbrush makeup for special occasions. Weddings, Prom, Homecoming, Photography..
For the last 15 years i have been able to create amazing special effects makeup for Halloween, Photos,film. Doing creative makeup is so inspiring for me...
I have been blessed to mentor many for Intuition and trusting your gut and what emotions are why we have them. I can helpyou make sense and connect to your gifts.