I believe that massage is more than just relaxing an individual. It is a sense of healing one's body and soul through natural human touch. Human beings require the sense of touch to survive, whether in comfort, illness, sadness or joy. Massage assists in these aspects and more. Massage soothes in comfort and sadness, and heals in illness. Massage heals the body from the inside out, making it more than a relaxational necessity of life. It makes for an alternate way of healing ones body ...
I believe that massage is more than just relaxing an individual. It is a sense of healing one's body and soul through natural human touch. Human beings require the sense of touch to survive, whether in comfort, illness, sadness or joy. Massage assists in these aspects and more. Massage soothes in comfort and sadness, and heals in illness. Massage heals the body from the inside out, making it more than a relaxational necessity of life. It makes for an alternate way of healing ones body without polluting it with medications with altering side effects. The greatest reward is seeing massage change an individual's life for the better, and knowing....that I was the one who made it happen.
432 Durfee ST
Fall River, MA 02720
MA # 13232
Massage Therapist
432 Durfee ST
Fall River, MA 02720