Advanced Therapeutic Massage Therapist, not the traditional one! Help ease chronic aches and pains. Rendering various modes of massage therapies to meet your needs. Offering massage therapy to help you relax and/or return to health after injury. Manual Osteopathic Therapist that looks at the body as one whole entity, assessing it to find any contributing factors resulting to a lesion in different parts of the body in views of; Osteo Articulation Therapy, Myofascial Remodelling, Craniosacral T...
Advanced Therapeutic Massage Therapist, not the traditional one! Help ease chronic aches and pains. Rendering various modes of massage therapies to meet your needs. Offering massage therapy to help you relax and/or return to health after injury. Manual Osteopathic Therapist that looks at the body as one whole entity, assessing it to find any contributing factors resulting to a lesion in different parts of the body in views of; Osteo Articulation Therapy, Myofascial Remodelling, Craniosacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy and Visceral Manipulation Therapy. Offers 15 minutes assessment for new clients. Accepts credit/debit cards and e-transfers.
AB # CMMOTA - MOT 100757
# CMMOTA- RMT #3957