I have long held a deep and unyielding desire to help others discover and improve their lives in a meaningful way. I feel that touch is a universal gateway to understanding and connection
I have long held a deep and unyielding desire to help others discover and improve their lives in a meaningful way. I feel that touch is a universal gateway to understanding and connection
OH # 33.022358
Medical Massage
* Craniosacral Therapy I (CST 1) * Craniosacral Therapy II (CST II) * Somatoemotional Release (SER I) * SHI Craniosacral Therapy Certifcation
TouchPro (r) Technique Class
* Reiki I * Reiki II * Reiki III * Reiki Mastery * Reiki Shoden * Reiki Okuden * Reiki Shinpiden * Karuna Reiki
* Bowen Basic * Graham Pennington - Importance of Symmetry * John Garfield - Pelvic and Lumbar Spine * John Garfield - Lower Extremities * NST - Ron Phelan - Essential TMJ 1 * NST - Ron Phelan - Essential TMJ 2
SHI Certification in Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction
* SHI ertification in Muscle Energy I - Illiosacral Dysfuntion * SHI Certification in Muscle Energy II - Sacralilliac Dysfuntion
* Seifukujitsu Level I * Seifukujitsu Advanced