Ann Hovey, (LMT; Professional Kinesiology Practitioner) is an established and respected massage therapist, educator, and consultant. She looks for clues as to why the body responds a certain way, allowing her to find the root cause of issues instead of chasing symptoms.She uses non-invasive assessment techniques and thinks “outside the box” in her approaches.Her therapy options include muscle testing, bio-feedback, massage therapy, Matrix Energetics, aromatherapy, intuition and more.She loves...
Ann Hovey, (LMT; Professional Kinesiology Practitioner) is an established and respected massage therapist, educator, and consultant. She looks for clues as to why the body responds a certain way, allowing her to find the root cause of issues instead of chasing symptoms.She uses non-invasive assessment techniques and thinks “outside the box” in her approaches.Her therapy options include muscle testing, bio-feedback, massage therapy, Matrix Energetics, aromatherapy, intuition and more.She loves educating people about their bodies and how they work, and helping to remove the fear that so many people have about their own bodies.Ann loves motivating people to think about the familiar sources of much of our health related information, and to remember that those sources may not always have our best interests in mind.Looking at the client as a whole person; physical, emotional, nutritional and spiritual, lets Ann remove blockages, and restore balance and synergy, so her clients can then choose to heal themselves.Ann truly believes that the body is a miracle, and that the more ways she can learn how to remove obstacles to a person’s perfect health, and allow it to flourish, the better opportunity that person will have to enjoy their life and pursue their life’s purpose.
Ann graduated from The Rochester Institute of Technology in 1986 with a degree in Business Administration.She worked in the corporate world for ten years, during which time her intuition began sending her signals that she would be going to school in Ithaca.In 1987 she endured an unfortunate foot surgery and lengthy recovery that allowed her to ponder where she was being drawn.Although she was told by many experts in the orthopedic field to expect a life with up to 40% physical disability, she wouldn’t, and didn’t, accept it.She was guided to massage during her recovery, experienced an epiphany about the benefits of massage, and decided to become a Massage Therapist. She completed her training at the Finger Lakes School of Massage, located (as her inner voice had guided her!) in Ithaca, New York.After completing massage school she opened Heart & Sole Therapies.Since then she has expanded her services, as she continues to study numerous modalities to which she is drawn to learn. She knows that guiding a client to their perfect health may require multiple types of therapy. She often uses the analogy of a carpenter, who knows that to complete a project successfully requires more than just a hammer.
NY # 010366-1
Licensed Massage Therapist