Every massage is different. Even if you have received massage therapy many times for the same issues, the body is dynamic and will respond differently each time. With more than 20 years of experience in clinical therapeutic massage, I use a wide range of techniques and modalities to relieve sore muscles, rehabilitate overworked tissues, and help you relax and recharge. Whether it be busy schedules with work and kids, sitting at a desk or driving a car, or the physical demands of athletics...
Every massage is different. Even if you have received massage therapy many times for the same issues, the body is dynamic and will respond differently each time. With more than 20 years of experience in clinical therapeutic massage, I use a wide range of techniques and modalities to relieve sore muscles, rehabilitate overworked tissues, and help you relax and recharge. Whether it be busy schedules with work and kids, sitting at a desk or driving a car, or the physical demands of athletics, your body has a lot to live up to. I would love the opportunity to help keep you moving well and feeling great!
ID # masg-2220
GA # ma000912
# 619741-12
Massage Therapy Certification
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism
Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Orthopedic and Sports Massage, Seated/Chair Massage, Myofascial Release, Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy, Spa Therapies, Pregnancy Massage.
Cliff Valley Therapy/ Atlanta, GA 1990- 2014 Cliff Valley Massage/ Boise, ID 2015- present Provide therapeutic deep tissue and clinical massage with a focus on measurable decreases in muscle tension and pain, and increases in range of motion and mobility. Educate clients on related health and wellness issues. Operate sole proprietorship, managing daily operation of massage clinic since 1990. Emphasis on customer service and outstanding results.
Aug 2012 - October 2014 Taught courses in Deep tissue, NMT, Swedish massage, Spa Therapies, Reflexology, Business and therapeutic skills. Supervised and instructed student therapists in the SensAbility massage clinic, teaching hands-on skills as they performed massage and spa therapies on clinic clients.