I am Rebekah Bramlett, Mother of two, advocate of health, and creator of Sacred Space Wellness.
Before making my journey into health I was unbalanced. I struggled with the toxicity of negative relationships, stressful work, and bad habits. At 21 I began to develop carpal tunnel in both wrists as well as dysfunction in the shoulders and neck that caused debilitating pain. When this physical pain came, I knew I needed change.
I had exhausted all resources with my doctors and had no success. Not k...
I am Rebekah Bramlett, Mother of two, advocate of health, and creator of Sacred Space Wellness.
Before making my journey into health I was unbalanced. I struggled with the toxicity of negative relationships, stressful work, and bad habits. At 21 I began to develop carpal tunnel in both wrists as well as dysfunction in the shoulders and neck that caused debilitating pain. When this physical pain came, I knew I needed change.
I had exhausted all resources with my doctors and had no success. Not knowing where else to turn I visited a family friend and Reiki practitioner who worked with me for hours. During my session, she used energy balancing techniques. Afterwards, I was more grounded in my body than I had been since I was a young girl. I had found my footing emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.
I always knew I was meant to serve. I am taking the experience of a dark past and using it to light the way for others by offering a unique perspective on healing. A year after my first experience with Reiki, I was invited to begin training as a practitioner. As I worked through this training, I realized that I was fascinated with the human body and all its functions. Soon after I began training for a certificate in massage therapy and later received a degree in Integrative Wellness from Wellspring School of Allied Health. I furthered my education by achieving a certificate of Corrective Exercise Specialist from the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
I coach in mindset, good movement, and implementing healthy practices. An initial consultation gives my clients the opportunity to express needs and goals. I also offer my assessment to pinpoint dysfunction and postural imbalance. We work together to create a plan to achieve transformation. Bodywork will vary in length and may include stretches, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy, energy balancing, movement therapies, Swedish massage, and the use of hot towels and stones. All techniques are tailored to the unique needs of my clients. I combine my knowledge of the healing power of essential oils, the inspiration of wellness coaching, and studies of kinesiology taping to continue the work off the table and give my clients ideas and tools to utilize in their daily lives.
It is my passion to create sacred space in which to facilitate those on their journey to healing. I strive to make sure that those in our community are well served in finding balance and wholeness on all planes. My goal is to educate people on the importance of safe healing touch and how it can positively influence our lives and our world.
MO # 2016030038
Integrative Massage and Wellness Associate of Occupational Science
Studying and practicing Usui Reiki energy healing since 2013. Teaching Reiki energy healing to others since 2017. Contact me for info on how you can get Certified in Usui Reiki
Practicing kineseology taping since 2016
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)