I began my journey exploring the body and its functions in 2008 when I became a personal trainer. I loved every minute of training! During that time, I wanted to enhance my skill set and was exploring the possibility of adding massage to my arsenal however, I moved to the USA from Canada in 2010 and in the process my passion for working with people to restore body balance fell to the side as I muddled my way through other professions. Fast forward to today and I have found my way back to doin...
I began my journey exploring the body and its functions in 2008 when I became a personal trainer. I loved every minute of training! During that time, I wanted to enhance my skill set and was exploring the possibility of adding massage to my arsenal however, I moved to the USA from Canada in 2010 and in the process my passion for working with people to restore body balance fell to the side as I muddled my way through other professions. Fast forward to today and I have found my way back to doing what I am most passionate about. I recently completed the Massage Therapy Program at Whatcom Community College, and I am officially a Licensed Massage Therapist who couldn’t be happier being back to working with my clients to achieve growth in physical, emotional, and functional health.
When I'm not working my first love is to be spending time with my family, my husband, 5 kids and 6 grandkids who are the love of my life! I love to be outdoors running, hiking, and camping. Give me mountains, water, and forest trails and I am at my happiest!
WA # 61188111