I attended Indiana Massage College in Carmel, IN where I received a Diploma of Sports and Medical Massage (DSMM). This program is 750 hours of hands-on and in-room training, 200 of which are spent in the student clinic. I am a Certified Graston Technique Preferred Provider, certified in Functional Movement Technique Basic and Performace and Certified Cupping Therapist. I am also certified in CPR and I am an Indiana State Certifed EMT.
IN # MT21806464
Sports and Medical Massage
Certified Cupping Theraptist
4 years hands on experience of Kundalini and Usui Reiki.
M1 14 hour basic training. M2 12 hour advanced training.
Functional Movement Techniques Basic and Performance Mobility Specialist
220 hands-on massage therapy including Swedish, Deep Tissue,. Post Event Sports and Chair Massage.