Often I've been asked why I choose to get into massage therapy. Just a little background on me I have worked in the construction industry for 45 years. Built a lot of buildings, touted a lot of heavy materials. Over time it began to brake down my body to where I wasn't able to lift anything much any more. Over a 2 year period of going to different doctors for my bad back condition I became a doctor frailer. Faced with the reality of possible being on disability for the rest of my life o ...
Often I've been asked why I choose to get into massage therapy. Just a little background on me I have worked in the construction industry for 45 years. Built a lot of buildings, touted a lot of heavy materials. Over time it began to brake down my body to where I wasn't able to lift anything much any more. Over a 2 year period of going to different doctors for my bad back condition I became a doctor frailer. Faced with the reality of possible being on disability for the rest of my life o by the way at this time I was only in my early 50's. It was about this time I discovered Trigger Point Therapy, some call it Myofacial release or Nero muscular therapy. So as I learned more about how to treat and release muscle tissue I was getting better control of my pain issues. Lets fast forward now to 10 years later at this time I had started helping friends, and family with pain issues and one day one of them asked if I had thought of being certified to do massage therapy. Well I guess that was a wake up call cause no I had not even considered it. So after much research I decided to go back to school and learn the art of massage therapy. So I guess you can say a bad pain in the back created a passion to help others with there pain issues. In today's medical practice doctors aren't trained in how to release muscle pain except by giving you a drug which at best it may take a pain level of 10 down to an 8 and in some cases you can be on these drugs for months or even years (no anybody like this?) There are pain clinics every where now that all they do is keep pushing drugs on people everyday. The sad part of this that insurance will pay for this treatment from now on but for therm to pay a few hundred dollars for you to go to a massage therapist to get WELL at this point in time KNOW but it's coming in the future.
AL # 3999
Massage Therapy