Does Your Website Answer these 5 Critical Questions?

Nearly everyone gets their information from the internet these days. Most likely, you recognize this fact and probably have a website of your own to attract new clients.
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(STILL don’t have a  website for your massage business?! You’re at a terrible disadvantage.)

Your massage practice website is the most effective way to let people know details about your business and who you are.

What services do you offer?

Potential clients want to scan your website and within seconds be able to find the exact massage and bodywork services offered. Do you offer Swedish massage? What about aromatherapy massage or hot stone? Prenatal massage? Geriatric massage?

Whatever it is you offer, let your clients know. This can easily be done by putting it in the “Services offered” section on your free MassageBook website.

How much do you charge?

It’s important to list prices clearly and accurately in your service menu.

With a well-written description of each service and a price to go with it, visitors to your site will be able to easily make a value judgment and decide if what you have to offer is for them.

What are your hours?

Prospective clients will want to see your availability, not just your business hours to determine whether it makes sense to contact you.

There’s nothing more frustrating than having to call a number of businesses before finding someone who can see you at a time that works for you.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Make it simple to book an appointment from your website. MassageBook offers a simple web-based stand-alone solution or one that integrates scheduling directly with your website – even your business Facebook page if you like.

Where are you located and how do I contact you?

Clearly, place your address and phone number in a prominent place on all pages of your site. The less you make people hunt for your contact information, the more likely they’ll reach out to you.

Bonus Tip:

Make sure your website is responsive. This means that the website automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and is easily viewed on computers, tablets, and phones.

Responsive sites result in a better user experience and higher website conversions  – which is exactly what you want if clients are booking their appointments online!

Clients love a massage website that’s straightforward.

Massage websites need to be aesthetically appealing, but also informative. Provide your website visitors with the information they need to feel comfortable booking an appointment with you, and you can rely on it to work for you tirelessly around the clock.


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann

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